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Taisia Afonina (1913-1994). Still life with Pussy-Willows
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 43.
* Каталог весенней выставки произведений ленинградских художников 1965 года. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1970. С.7.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950—1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.3.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.3.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. С.3.
* Живопись 1940—1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, 1996. С.3.
* Иванов С. Тихая жизнь за ленинградским столом // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Выпуск 23. СПб, 2012. С.90-97.
* Афонина Т. Натюрморт с вербой // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.203.
Private collection. Acquired from artist
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Tatiana Gorb (1935-2013). Schoolgirl
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 189.
Private collection. Acquired from artist
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Nikolai Baskakov (1918-1993). Lenin in Kremlin.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 29.
* Nikolai Baskakov. Lenin in Kremlin // 80 years of the Saint Petersburg Union of Artists. The Anniversary Exhibition. Saint Petersburg, 2012. P.203.
* Иванов, С. В. Баскаков Николай Николаевич //Страницы памяти. Справочно-биографический сборник. 1941-1945. Художники Санкт-Петербургского (Ленинградского) Союза художников — ветераны Великой Отечественной войны. Кн.1. СПб: Петрополис, 2014. С.90-92.
Private collection. Acquired from the art gallery.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Nikolai Pozdneev (1930-1978). Spring Day.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 182.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950—1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.6.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. С.6.
* Живопись 1940—1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, 1996. С.5.
* Иванов С. О творчестве и судьбе Николая Позднеева // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Вып. 30. СПб, 2014. С.25-32.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Anatoli Vasiliev (1917-1994). Baykal Boat Station. At the pier.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 31.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950—1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр CПСХ, 1994. С.3.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.3.
* Васильев А. И. Станция Байкал. У причала. // Иванов С. В. Этюд в багровых тонах // Санкт-Петербургские ведомости. 1994, 9 декабря.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.3
* Живопись 1940-1990-х годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.3.
* Васильев А. И. Станция Байкал. У причала // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.204.
* Васильев Ю. А. Васильев Анатолий Павлович //Страницы памяти. Справочно-биографический сборник. 1941-1945. Художники Санкт-Петербургского (Ленинградского) Союза художников - ветераны Великой Отечественной войны. Кн.1. СПб, Петрополис, 2014. С.177-179.
Private collection. Acquired from artist.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Alexander Semionov (1922-1984). Malaya Sadovaya Street in the Leningrad.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 35.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950—1980 годов. Каталог. СПб. 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.6.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, 1996. С.4.
* Иванов С. О ленинградских пейзажах Александра Семёнова // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Вып. 23. СПб, 2012. С.43-46.
* 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.209.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Alexander Samokhvalov (1894-1971). Cafe Gurzuf.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 1.
* Выставка произведений ленинградских художников 1960 года. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1963. С.16.
* Александр Николаевич Самохвалов. Выставка произведений. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1963. C.20.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр CПСХ, 1994. С.6.
* Самохвалов А. Кафе Гурзуф. 1956 // 80 Лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, 2012. С.210.
* Иванов С. В. Что движет солнце и светила // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Вып. 34. СПб: 2015.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Nikolai Timkov (1912-1993). Russian Winter.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 20.
* Exhibition of works by Nikolai Efimovich Timkov. Catalogue. Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1975.
* Saint-Pétersbourg - Pont-Audemer. Dessins, Gravures, Sculptures et Tableaux du XX siècle du fonds de L' Union des Artistes de Saint-Pétersbourg. Pont-Audemer, 1994. P.110.
* Тимков Н. Русская зима. Иней. 1969 // 80 Лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб., 2012. С.211.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Mikhail Natarevich (1907-1979). A Youth.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 36.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр СПСХ, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Victor Teterin (1922-1991). Quince and Teapot.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 51.
* Каталог выставки одиннадцати ленинградских художников. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1976.
* Виктор Кузьмич Тетерин. Выставка произведений. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1988. С.6, 27.
* Евгения Антипова, Виктор Тетерин. Живопись. Рисунок. СПб, ЗАО «ПОНИ», 1999.
* Памяти учителя. Выставка петербургских художников - учеников мастерской А. А. Осмёркина. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1997. С.4,5.
* Художники круга 11-ти. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 2001. С.3.
* Иванов С. Тихая жизнь за ленинградским столом // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Выпуск 23. СПб, 2012. С.90-97.
* Тетерин В. К. Айва и чайник // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.211.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quince_and_Teapot_%28painting%29
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Victor Otiev (1935-1999). Tbilisi Old Town.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 164.
* Отиев, В. А. Старый Тбилиси // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.207.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Alexander Naumov (1935-2010). Samarkhand. The Registan.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 159.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
* Наумов А. А. Самарканд. Регистан // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. CПб, Цветпринт, 2012. C.206.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Nikolai Galakhov (b. 1928). Clouds over Volga River.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist studio.
More detail info about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see on Wikipedia:
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Piotr Vasiliev (1908-1989). Still-life with a book.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 56.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.3.
* Натюрморт в живописи 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Каталог выставки. СПб, 1997. С. 3.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Piotr Buchkin (1886-1965). Portrait of artist Piotr Vasiliev.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 57.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Alexander Korovialov (1912-1993). A Bouquet.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Gleb Savinov (1915-2000). Country Store.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 62.
* Леонова Н. Г. Глеб Александрович Савинов. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1988. C.80.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Sergei Osipov (1915-1985). House with Arch.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 17.
* Сергей Иванович Осипов. Живопись. Рисунок. Выставка произведений. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1990. С.9.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог СПб, 1994. С.4.
* Иванов С. Двадцать лет спустя. Размышления о выставке Сергея Осипова // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Вып. 21. СПб, 2011.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Piotr Litvinsky (1927-2009). Spring in the city.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 334.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.3.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.3.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Anatoli Nenartovich (1915-1988). Women Laing Asphalt.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 142.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр СПСХ, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.4.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1996. С.4.
* Ненартович А. А. Асфальтировщицы // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. Пб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.206.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Lev Russov (1926-1987). Zoya. - Lev Russov
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 15.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.6.
* Русов Л. А. Зоя // Иванов С. В. Этюд в багровых тонах // Санкт-Петербургские ведомости. 1994, 9 декабря.
* Иванов С. О ранних портретах Льва Русова // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Выпуск 23. СПб, 2012. С.7-15.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Evgenia Antipova (1917-2009). Quince on the Green Table.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Vladimir Ovchinnikov (1911-1978). Evening on the Volga River. - Vladimir Ovchinnikov
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 82.
* Иванов С. Владимир Овчинников в воспоминаниях современников. К 100-летию со дня рождения // Петербургские искусствоведческие тетради. Выпуск 21. СПб, 2011. С.46-53.
* Иванов С. В. Овчинников Владимир Иванович // Страницы памяти. Справочно-биографический сборник. 1941—1945. Художники Санкт-Петербургского (Ленинградского) Союза художников — ветераны Великой Отечественной войны. СПб: Петрополис, 2014. Кн. 2. С. 142—144.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Poitr Belousov (1912-1989). Portrait of young woman.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 4.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.3.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. С.3.
* Белоусов П. П. Портрет молодой женщины // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб: Цветпринт, 2012. С.207.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Rudolf Frentz (1888-1956). Horsewomen.
* Выставка художника Р. Р. Френца. Апрель-май. Каталог. Л., Община художников, 1928.
* Рудольф Рудольфович Френц. Каталог выставки. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1970. С.10.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 2.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsewoman_%28painting%29
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Vsevolod Bazhenov (1908-1986). Arabian coast.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 150.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950—1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.3.
* Всеволод Баженов. Живопись. К 85-летию со дня рождения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Yuri Belov (b. 1929). Worker - Innovator.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 151.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Alexei Mozhaev (1918-1994). Grand Reception of sailors in Leningrad.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 263.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Alexander Pushnin (1921-1991). Portrait of artist Tatiana Kopnina.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 186.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Kapitolina Rumiantseva (1925-2002). Still-life with oranges.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 130.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.6.
* Натюрморт в живописи 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Каталог выставки. СПб, 1997. С. 4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Tatiana Kopnina (1921-2009). Portrait of Chinese student.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 322.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Valentina Monakhova (b. 1932). Midday in Urgut.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 160.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С. 4.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С. 4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.3-4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Irina Getmanskaya (b. 1939). Kirgiz boy.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 161.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Sergei Zakharov (1900-1993). Still life with pomegranates.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 50.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please see Wikipedia:
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Oleg Lomakin (1924-2010). Smoking Man.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 21.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Dmitry Maevsky (1917-1992). March sun.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 95.
* Маевский Д. И. Мартовское солнце // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. CПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.206.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Samuil Nevelshtein (1903-1983). Roses.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 155.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.4.
* Натюрморт в живописи 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Каталог выставки. СПб, 1997. С. 4.
* Невельштейн С. Г. Розы // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. CПб., Цветпринт, 2012. С.207.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vladimir Gorb (1903-1986). Young woman in black beret.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 157.
* Владимир Александрович Горб. Каталог выставки. Л: Художник РСФСР, 1967.
* Горб В. А. Девушка в чёрном берете // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.205.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Mikhail Trufanov (1921-1988). Steel-maker.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 158.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Gevork Kotiantz (1906-1996). Green still life.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 134.
* Котьянц Г. В. Зелёный натюрморт // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. СПб : Цветпринт, 2012. С. 205.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Mikhail Kaneev (1923-1983). Ancient Pskov.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 320.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. С.4.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, 1996. С.3.
* Канеев М. Псков // 80 лет Санкт-Петербургскому Союзу художников. Юбилейная выставка. CПб, Цветпринт, 2012. С.205.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Elena Skuin (1908-1988). Wistarias.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 97.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Elena Kostenko (b. 1926). Offended.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 98.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Maya Kopitseva (1924-2005). At the bathing pool.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 94.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр СПСХ, 1994. С.3.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.3.
* Левитин А. Майя Копытцева. Художник. Личность. Друг. СПб, Левша, 2010.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Alexei Eriomin (1919-1998). Riverside.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 176.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.3.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.3.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Elena Gorokhova (1933-2014). A Fire-Bird Feather.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 74.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Marina Kozlovskaya (b. 1925). Fortress in Old Ladoga.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 114.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980-х годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр СПСХ, 1994. С.3.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Boris Korneev (1922-1973). Portrait of artist Marina Kozlovskaya.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 25.
* Борис Васильевич Корнеев. Каталог выставки произведений. Л.: Художник РСФСР, 1975.
* Борис Корнеев. Живопись. Выставка произведений к 75-летию со дня рождения. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1997.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Eugene Chuprun (1927-2003). Elms.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 26.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Leonid Tkachenko (b. 1927). May-Day at the Vasilievsky Island.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 288.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.6.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.6.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Nadezhda Shteinmiller (1915-1991). Sunny day.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 289.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, 1994. C.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1994. C.6.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, 1995. C.6.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, 1996. C.4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Engels Kozlov (1926-2007). Miner.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 144.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Veniamin Borisov (1935-2015). Country girl.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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German Tatarinov (1925-2006). Spring Day in the Old Ladoga.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 178.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Yuri Khukhrov (1932-2003). Sergei.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 252.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Alexander Sokolov (1918-1974). A Boy.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 10.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Rostislav Vovkyshevsky (1917-2000). Still Life with lemon.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 224.
* A Parisian from Leningrad. Rostislav Vovkushevsky. Saint Petersburg, Costa Edition, 2007.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Galina Rumiantseva (1927-2004). Naked model.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 221.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.5.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vladimir Chekalov (1922-1992). Junior sergeant.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 39.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.4.
* Этюд в творчестве ленинградских художников. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1994. С.6.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.6.
* Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Выставка произведений. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.4.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Irina Dobrekova (b. 1931). A Memory.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 109.
* Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб, Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994. С.3.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.3.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Boris Shamanov (1931-2008). September. Yellow flowers.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 40.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vasily Golubev (1925-1985). Horses.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 46.
* Русская зима. Живопись. Выставка произведений пе6тербургских художников. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1996. С.3.
* Иванов С. В. Голубев Василий Васильевич //Страницы памяти. Справочно-биографический сборник. 1941-1945. Художники Санкт-Петербургского (Ленинградского) Союза художников — ветераны Великой Отечественной войны. Кн.1. СПб, Петрополис, 2014. С.265-266.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Maria Rudnitskaya (1916-1983). Girl in the Garden.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 112.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vladimir Sakson (1927-1988). Msta River near Academicheskaya Dacha.
Private collection. Acquired from previous owner.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Olga Bogaevskaya (1915-2000). Portrait of Rina Soluyanova.
Private collection. Acquired from art dealer.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Piotr Alberti (1913-1994). Still life with water-melon.
* Лирика в произведениях художников военного поколения. Выставка произведений. Каталог. СПб, Мемориальный музей Н. А. Некрасова, 1995. С.3.
* Натюрморт в живописи 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Каталог выставки. СПб, 1997. С. 3.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Arseny Semionov (1911-1992). Old Ladoga Town.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 125.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Yuri Neprintsev (1909-1996). Angler.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 108.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's studio.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vecheslav Zagonek (1919-1994). Yenisey River.
* Вячеслав Францевич Загонек. Каталог. Л: Музей Академии художеств СССР, 1990.
* Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 187.
Private collection. Acquired from previouse owner.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia:
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Vitaly Tulenev (1937-1998). A Midnight.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007, plate 255.
Private collection. Acquired from the artist's family.
For more details about artist Biography, Career, and Artistic Creativity, as well as Bibliography please visit Wikipedia: