Sphinx - Olga Zelinska

Sphinx - Olga Zelinska

Sphinx the ancient Egyptians considered the Sphinx a living symbol of the divine solar energy. Sphinx means mysterious and enigmatic. Power - God of the rising Sun, wisdom, Royal dignity, vigilance, strength. Four represents the beginning of the nature of natural and spiritual strength. Androsphinx (a human head) and symbolizes the Union of mental and physical power. The Sphinx with a human head is interpreted as the human spirit overcoming animal instincts.

Supermoon - Olga Zelinska

Supermoon - Olga Zelinska

indicolite (blue tourmaline) - Olga Zelinska

indicolite (blue tourmaline) - Olga Zelinska

The painting depicts the soul of the stone - Indicolite is one of the most expensive, attractive types of tourmaline. Gemstone IV-th order has a color, which can vary in the range of blue – dark blue. Tourmaline, colored in blue, known as indicolite. It is difficult to overestimate its favorable influence on the intellect of their owner. As the variety of tourmaline, the stone of flexibility, indicolite makes its owner open to new ideas, eliminates excessive strictness, stubbornness, unhealthy attachment to the ideals of the past. It is a stone of spiritual and intellectual youth. Develops intuition, increases efficiency. Litoterapevty suggest it to people whose illness is caused by problems with blood circulation in the brain.

Undines maiden - Olga Zelinska

Undines maiden - Olga Zelinska

The God Loki  - Olga Zelinska

The God Loki - Olga Zelinska

Hecate - Olga Zelinska

Hecate - Olga Zelinska

Hecate or Hekate- is a goddess in Greek religion and mythology. She was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, dogs, light, the moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery

Daughter of the Serpent King - Olga Zelinska

Daughter of the Serpent King - Olga Zelinska

In Russia, the king of snakes was considered a Snake. He lived with his retinue under the earth, and possessed great treasures. Every spring and woke up the snake Kingdom, crawled to the surface, looking for the snake bride, bride. 12 June has traditionally been the Coil, this day in the villages only the men went and the women stayed at home, not to get the eye of the Snake, not to be his bride. From this marriage there were children.

Diamond - Olga Zelinska

Diamond - Olga Zelinska

The diamond is a "king of stones". A powerful force, and the tremendous energy associated with absolute purity, spirituality and permanence and is a symbol of moral and intellectual values. It is a stone of the sun, unity, and divine purity. It enhances the effect of other stones and have a strong healing power for the human body and spirit, strengthens all the energy centers. Diamond is a mineral, the only gem composed of only one element - crystalline carbon.Diamond originally symbolized the sun's principle, containing in itself the purity, energy, strength, generosity, high spirituality and concern for all living things. In this regard, of course, is the stone associated with the element of Fire, that is representatives of the zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the best perceive the power of the diamond and seamlessly use it in their activities. Diamond is the best friend and ally of the Lion, fully reveals the creative potential, grants success, power, status, protects the star.

Silver  - Olga Zelinska

Silver - Olga Zelinska

Silver is symbolically connected with the Moon, so it is the personification of virginity and feminine. In Mesoamerica this metal was called "white divine mud" and felt the earth under God of the moon. The quality of metal used in making jewelry, silver has become the symbol of material prosperity.The Crescent as symbol of Islam is directly connected with the symbols of silver. In Islamic countries this metal was considered sacred, and the Arab alchemists sought to learn how to turn other substances into silver just as their Western European colleagues wanted to get the gold.

Agni - Olga Zelinska

Agni - Olga Zelinska

Agni is a divine, universal power. It is the energy of transformation, is the force changing the world, energy action, energy, heat, destruction and creation. The deity Agni is the first of the energies of the initial and superior to all others, the incident of unlimited and secret. The conscious force of the Godhead were created worlds, and they are managed from within this intimate and deep Creator.

Gold - Olga Zelinska

Gold - Olga Zelinska

Aurum — bright, precious, noble, non-oxidizing, shiny, solar. Gold — the Sun, the symbol of the Sun, the metal of the Sun. Hallmark of harmony: the Golden ratio, the Golden rule, the Golden mean. Gold is the highest value, the alchemists, who sought not gold - metal (gold — gold not mobile), but to eternal life, not to transform the inferior metals into gold, and to the ennoblement of life, "the case of the Sun." In alchemy (more intimate than a "protoscientific" knowledge of) gold — the highest degree of spiritual development of Gold — the best known of the noble metals and one of the rarest elements in the earth's crust. Gold in the ancient history, the identity of the gods, endowed with divine origins (allocation of Marduk and Quetzalcoatl), and therefore served as an object of worship. The Pharaoh was the son of God himself was a deity. The Emperor of the Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas — they were gods. Sacralization of gold is seen as a sustainable element of the consciousness of ancient man. But in subtle and profound souls of gold properties caused different attitude.

Pink pearl  - Olga Zelinska

Pink pearl - Olga Zelinska

Mother-of-pearl bead, which appears in the shell of shellfish, as a reaction to irritation in contact with foreign bodies, since time immemorial has been used as a decoration. The secret of his birth, capricious nature, magic attraction, healing properties and an impressive variety — all this attracted people to these natural iridescent beads. "A drop of the heavenly water," "tears of the dragon", "the gift of Poseidon" — the so-called people this mineral. Protective, magic, magical properties of stone pearls described in the most ancient texts of the Sumerians and Egyptians. Stone is credited with the ability to protect from the evil eye, dishonest people. The stone will warn from the approaching affliction, will soothe the nerves. But the main strength of the "gift of Poseidon" — the ability to prolong life. And the Main properties of pink pearls to attract love and to protect her from attacks from outside.

I white bird - Olga Zelinska

I white bird - Olga Zelinska

soul bird

Perlmutter  - Olga Zelinska

Perlmutter - Olga Zelinska

Mother of pearl is one of the most unusual stones, since it combines the opposite traits: strength and fragility, tenderness and strength. Alchemists and magicians of the middle ages - used mineral for witchcraft. First tried to get out of it gold, and the second expelled the evil spirits and called upon good. From it even prepared the "elixir of youth"

Garnet stone  - Olga Zelinska

Garnet stone - Olga Zelinska

Garnet stone– this mystical stone, which is designed for all lovers. Pyropes (grenades blazing red), almandine (stones crimson and red), andradite (grenades emerald color).Thanks to its colour stone pyrope was associated since ancient times different peoples blood drops or glow of the fire. The Chinese considered him a frozen dragon's blood, the Mongols called the fiery stone, in medieval Europe it was called carbuncle (translated from Latin — smoldering flame).

Museum of Art
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